Hey kiddo!

The mastering of Love Bites is finally finished. I just sent off everything to the cassette manufacturer. I’ve got envelopes, and labels, and I am ready to ROCK.

I don’t think I’ve ever been prepared this early before a release. Cassette wise, I had to pay for a rush job. (Who knew it takes a month to make 40 tapes…Live and learn.) But the digital stuff is DONE. So now I just kind sit here and wait for Feb 10th, right?

Nah, just kidding! I’ve got a few little fun things planned to promote. I think you guys will enjoy them.

I gotta tell you, I was pretty surprised by the groundswell of appreciation for the story about my sad attempt to make this cover myself. It’s good to know you guys enjoy seeing how the sausage is made, cause I plan on doing more of that.

Speaking of sausage, I’ve got a gnarly peice of meat for you: I’ve taken my dead-on-arrival album art failure, and I’ve mounted it on a plaque. It is an homage to making the best out of your failures. One Vampire Heart, Slightly Used.

The only one of it’s kind. A great conversation starter with a goofy story behind it. You can own a tragically dissapopinting peice of the VSD Universe right now.
Grab it here: https://vampirestepdad.com/product/vampire-heart-slightly-used/

I’ll be happy to sign it with whatever message you like on the back. Or not. It’s all set up to hang just above that picture you took with your family at the reunion 12 years ago. I bet it’ll really tie the room together.

I think I’m going to announce the super special extra thing and open up preorders with the Spotlight on Friday. I think that’s a good way to do you. How about you?

Alright, I’ve got work to do. Have a great rest of your day!

Keep being awesome,

Vlad, your Vampire Step-Dad
