Hey kids! I realize that most of you are not anywhere near Atlanta, so I apologize if you find this email useless. But who knows, maybe you’ll find it entertaining anyway! (There’s stuff in here for everyone, no worries.)

So tomorrow night is my very first show EVER, and it just so happens to be with one of the biggest names in the synthwave scene (Carpenter Brut). Talk about peaking early, amiright?!

My main reason for sending this email is to tell you that, if you’re going, your tickets may say 9:15 is show start, but that is WRONG. My set starts at 8:45pm. So get there right when the doors open at 8:30 to make sure you get to see the full set! I’d hate to see someone after my set saying they missed it. That would kill me. And I’m undead!

I’m a big ol’ ball of nerves right now. I’m excited, but I’m also freaking out. There’s so many tiny details to remember, from audio cables to 3.5 inch diskettes, to merch signage and credit card swipers…it’s a monumental task. But that’s OK, cause it’s going to be worth it!

Many of you have been asked about streaming video of the performance, since so many of your are unwilling to charter a boat or plane to come see me (real selfish…I’m so disappointed in you.) I don’t know if I’ll be able to pull off any live streaming. Mostly because the quality of video and audio will likely be terrible. But who knows, keep your eyes on social media, maybe someone in the audience will throw up something?

What I will be doing, however, is getting plenty of video for later release. I have three people shooting for me. Once the show is done, I’ll just have to edit it all together (something I hate doing) and make it into a nice package for all your wonderful people. I know it’s delayed, but hopefully that will sate your thirst for VSD performance footage. (Trust me, I know the feeling of unsated thirst…)

So anyway, that’s the deal for now. Tomorrow night is the biggest event of my music career, and I’m just hearing rocking in the corner, trying to not drive myself crazy.

See you there?
Vlad, your Vampire Step-Dad
